THRIV Initiatives

THRIV champions the universal adoption and consistent utilization of IV workflow management systems (IVWMS) that meet or exceed criteria outlined in THRIV’s Technology Checklist. We are devoted to:
- Convincing healthcare providers to voluntarily utilize such IVWMS when preparing IVs.
- Compelling standards, compliance, and accrediting bodies not only to accept WMS that meet or exceed criteria outlined in “THRIV’s Technology Checklist” but also to expect healthcare providers to use the same when preparing IVs.

THRIV campaigns for the inclusion of lot numbers and expiration dates in manufacturer bar codes on all immediate drug packages. We are engaged in:
- Appealing to manufacturers to voluntarily supplement currently FDA-required barcodes with Data Matrix codes on labels that include lot number + expiration data on all immediate drug packages
- Persuading FDA and USP to require that manufacturers incorporate lot number + expiration data along with currently required NDC data into single Data Matrix bar code on all immediate drug packages.